Golden Gate Estates

Golden Gate Estates
For many, Golden Gate Estates are the ideal living environment, with a slightly more rural feel and outside of Naples, Golden Gate Estates was initially designed as a place where outdoorsman and equestrian lovers could find ranch like acreage. Today many smaller home sites and even those lots of one acre or more makeup this beautiful community originally designed in the early 1960s. Golden Gate Estates is at the heart of Florida’s natural beauty with the corkscrew Swamp sanctuary at its northern border and state forests to the South and East, Golden Gate and it’s over 112,000 acres and miles of man-made canals makes an ideal location for first-time homebuyers, families and retirees.
Golden Gate Estates is a mix of moderately priced condominiums, residential homes, multi -story County estate homes and several larger homes topping out well over $1 million. Over the last 10 to 20 years more and more unity has filled in but it it’s still its own a little suburb. Here’s what residents are saying about Golden Gate Estates;
“All I have to do is walk to the end of my property and I’m in the ‘wilderness’; being on the eastern most north-south road in Naples/ which borders the National Panther Preserve, we get a chance to see bear, deer, rabbit, skunk, raccoon, squirrel, and more. I think it’s wonderful!”
“There are very many lovely homes in Golden Gate Estates and they are mostly on large lots back from the street for privacy. It is quiet, natural and very pretty. The land and homes will be worth big bucks soon enough so go ahead and invest now.” – City-Data
When you’re ready to settle down Golden Gate Estates is your next home. Call us for more information on this fantastic area of Naples for start your online search here for free.